13 When I would gather them, declares the Lord,
    there are (A)no grapes on the vine,
    (B)nor figs on the fig tree;
(C)even the leaves are withered,
    and what I gave them has passed away from them.”[a]

14 Why do we sit still?
(D)Gather together; (E)let us go into the fortified cities
    and perish there,
for the Lord our God has doomed us to perish
    and has (F)given us (G)poisoned water to drink,
    because we have sinned against the Lord.
15 (H)We looked for peace, but no good came;
    for a time of healing, but behold, terror.

16 (I)“The snorting of their horses is heard (J)from Dan;
    at the sound of the neighing (K)of their stallions
    (L)the whole land quakes.
They come (M)and devour the land and all that fills it,
    the city and those who dwell in it.
17 For behold, I am sending among you (N)serpents,
    adders (O)that cannot be charmed,
    (P)and they shall bite you,”
declares the Lord.

Jeremiah Grieves for His People

18 My joy is gone; grief is upon me;[b]
    (Q)my heart is sick within me.
19 Behold, the cry of the daughter of my people
    from (R)the length and breadth of the land:
“Is the Lord not in Zion?
    (S)Is her King not in her?”
(T)“Why have they provoked me to anger with their carved images
    and with their foreign idols?”
20 “The harvest is past, the summer is ended,
    and we are not saved.”
21 For the wound of (U)the daughter of my people is my heart wounded;
    (V)I mourn, and dismay has taken hold on me.

22 Is there no (W)balm in Gilead?
    Is there no physician there?
Why then has the health of the daughter of my people
    not been restored?

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  1. Jeremiah 8:13 The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain
  2. Jeremiah 8:18 Compare Septuagint; the meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain

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